- Was I ever loved by you? Out of reach so far, 你曾经爱过我吗?无法触摸的遥远的你。
- I love tobe loved. I need to be loved by you. 当我们互相触动彼此的时候,发现梦想变成了现实。
- Was I enjoying myself? Was I ever! 我玩得快活吗?是的!
- Feeling loved by you is a relief to your customers. 感觉到你的爱对你的客户来说是一种抚慰。
- The guide kept jabbering on and on. How was I ever gonna be able to take a nap? 导游一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?
- I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的。
- Mex: Am I ever glad...I actually did manage to get it back. 我从来没这么高兴过...我真的把它拿回来了。
- The guide keeps jabbering on and on.How am I ever gonna be able to take a nap ? 导游一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?
- This Song is for the person I ever Loved the most YN I LOVE YOU FOREVER... 这首是现场一位朋友特别想听到的歌曲.;她目前正在住院疗养中
- The guide keeps jabbering on and on.How am I ever gonna be able to take a nap? 导游一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?
- Aunt Batty loved life as no other human being I ever knew loved life. 蓓蒂姨热爱生活,我从未见过第二个像她这样热爱生活的人。
- The guide keep jabber on and on. how Am I ever gonna is able to take a nap? 导游一直叽叽喳喳说个不停,我怎么能合一下眼呢?
- I'll stand by you whatever happens. 无论如何,我都支持你。
- I like to gaze at you in silence. And to be gazed at the same; I wish to be deeply loved by you and love you as deeply. 我喜欢默默地注视着你,也默默地被你注视;我渴望深深地被你爱,也深深地爱着你。
- I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. 哪怕是世界末日我都会爱着你。
- If you knew how I need to know that you are happy, my beloved, almost as much as to know I am loved by you! 要是您知道我是如何祝福您,我的爱,那么您也会觉得您爱我的心一点也不亚于我想您知道我是多么爱您。
- Like I neve ever loved no one before you. 仿佛在你之前我从未爱过。
- If you knew how I need to know that you are happy, my beloved, almost asas to know I am loved by you! 要是您知道我是如何祝福您,我的爱,那么您也会觉得您爱我的心一点也不亚于我想您知道我是多么爱您。
- It was probably the best business deal I ever did. 那也许是我曾经做过的最好的一笔生意。
- YOU WILL BE LOVED BY YOUR MR RIGHT. 你付出那么多爱,你也值得被珍爱。